
Direct Use Geothermal Systems’ simulation examples

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What is DUGS?

Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS), which are also known as low enthalpy geothermal systems, are mainly conduction mechanism dominated.

System requirements

Computational Dependencies

Files explanation

  1. src/model.py
    • It inherents from DartsModel, where the initial contion, boundary condition, reservoir type, simulation engine can be defined
    • To avoid effect of pressure and temperature on water density, mass rate control is chosen as boundary condition
    • grav option in Geothermal class is set to True by default.
  2. src/run_serial_resolution.py
    • It is a main file to run multiple forward simultions to investigate the production temperature of different types of the reservoirs
    • The results of these files are csv files which have production temperature for each dx, dy and dz values
  3. src/run_serial_layers.py
    • It is a main file to run multiple forward simulations to investigate the minimum confining layers
    • The results of these files are csv files which record the temperature and pressure of the top reservoir layer
  4. src/real_base.py
    • It is the file which is used to generate the vtk results using the the resolution and confining layers information derived from src/run_serial_resolution.py.